Swallow and sparrow became close friends. They started walking around in together. Other swallows said nothing at the beginning about this circumstance. However, the things changed when the swallow started bringing the sparrow to its nest. Nest of the swallow was under the eaves of an empty wooden house and there were many nests of swallow next to it. Going there from and thereto made swallows disturbed.
Swallows held a meeting and they appointed a spokesman. This spokesman told about this circumstance with it in a suitable time and said it not to bring this sparrow to its nest.
Although the swallow showed some obstinacy, it finally was obliged to obey by this requirement.
One night the sparrow suddenly wakened while it was sleeping. Tree on which it built up its nest among its branches was swinging. It flied away and had a look-see round the environment. Thereupon, it recognised that it was an earthquake.
Its close friend, the swallow, came to its mind. It arrived at its nest and it weakened its close friend. It said the swallow to weaken other swallows and the wooden house may be fallen onto the ground. The swallow fulfilled what it said. Once the last swallow flied away there, the wooden house was fallen onto the ground. Later, swallows set up new nests under eaves of another house and they did make no rejection for the sparrow to go from and to the nest of the swallow for the reason that they were owed their life to it.
Kırlangıç ile serçe dost olmuşlar. Birlikte gezip dolaşmaya başlamışlar. Diğer kırlangıçlar önceleri bu duruma ses çıkarmamışlar. Fakat kırlangıç serçeyi yuvasına getirmeye başlayınca işler değişmiş. Kırlangıcın yuvası ahşap, boş bir evin saçak altındaymış ve burada pek çok kırlangıç yuvası varmış. Serçenin gelip gitmesi, kırlangıçları rahatsız etmiş.
Kırlangıçlar toplanıp bir sözcü seçmişler. Sözcü uygun bir zamanda kırlangıca konuyu açmış ve serçeyi yuvasına getirmemesini söylemiş.
Kırlangıç biraz direttiyse de sonunda genel isteğe boyun eğmek zorunda kalmış. Bir gece serçe yuvasında uyurken aniden uyanmış. Dalları arasına yuva kurduğu ağaç sallanıyormuş. Uçup çevreyi şöyle bir kolaçan etmiş. O zaman bunun bir yer sarsıntısı olduğunu anlamış.
Aklına dostu kırlangıç gelmiş. Kırlangıcın yuvasına gitmiş, onu uyandırmış. Kırlangıca diğer kırlangıçları uyandırmasını, ahşap evin sarsıntıdan yıkılabileceğini söylemiş. Kırlangıç söyleneni yapmış. Son kırlangıç da kaçınca ahşap ev yıkılmış. Daha sonra kırlangıçlar başka bir evin saçak altına yeni yuvalar yapmışlar ve yaşamlarını borçlu oldukları dost serçenin kırlangıcın yuvasına gelip gitmesine karşı çıkmamışlar.
Written by: Serdar Yıldırım
Ahmet’s mother and father were poor. They were living in a small house with only one room. Since his father’s lungs were ill, he compulsorily retired. Ahmet finished primary school in difficulty by selling pretzel out of school time. Later by the help of his neighbour he started to work in a restaurant to do the washing up. Ahmet had taken the first step to realize his dreams. He had met the wonderful meals which he formerly used to see behind the restaurant windows. Now he had full three courses a day. He had kept Uncle Veli, who was cooking in the restaurant, observing. He would learn cooking from him and he would be a cook himself, too but Ahmet would work not in somebody else’s restaurant but in his own one.
Ahmet opened a restaurant in the city centre after he had done his military service. Because his meals were very delicious, the restaurant was full of customers. He was earning well. Sometimes poor people used to come to the restaurant and eat free meal.
The waiters working in the restaurant and the customers couldn’t find any sense of Ahmet’s going and leaving two plates of meals to an empty table during lunch times. How would they know that they were Ahmet’s present to his mother and father, whom the poverty had finished years ago? They also wouldn’t be able to hear that while putting the plates on the table Ahmet was murmuring “you aren’t going stay hungry any more from now on mummy and daddy. Have your meals and get yourself very full.”
Written by: Serdar YILDIRIM
Annesi, babası fakirdi Ahmet’in. Tek göz odalı bir gecekonduda oturuyorlardı. Babasının ciğerleri hasta olduğundan zorunlu emekliye ayrılmıştı. Ahmet okul olmadığı zamanlar simit satarak zorlukla ilkokulu bitirdi. Daha sonra komşusunun yardımıyla bir lokantaya bulaşıkçı olarak girdi. Ahmet hayalini gerçekleştirmek için ilk adımını atmıştı. Eskiden lokantaların camları arkasında gördüğü o güzelim yemeklere kavuşmuştu. Artık günde üç öğün karnı doyuyordu. Lokantada yemek pişiren Veli dayıyı göz hapsine almıştı. Ondan yemek yapmayı öğrenecek ve kendi de bir aşçı olacaktı ama Ahmet başkasının lokantasında değil kendi lokantasında görevini yerine getirecekti.
Ahmet askerden geldikten sonra şehrin mevki yerinde lokanta açtı. Yaptığı yemekler çok lezzetli olduğu için lokanta müşterilerle dolup taşıyordu. Kazancı yerindeydi. Ara sıra muhtaç insanlar lokantaya gelirdi ve bedava yemek yerlerdi.
Lokantada çalışan garsonlar ve müşteriler Ahmet’in öğle vakitleri boş bir masaya giderek masanın üstüne iki tabak yemek bırakmasına bir anlam veremezlerdi. Onlar ne bileceklerdi yıllar önce sefaletin bitirdiği anne ve babasına Ahmet’in armağanını. Hem onlar duyamazlardı ki, tabakları masanın üstüne bırakırken Ahmet’in “ Bundan sonra aç kalmayacaksınız anneciğim ve babacığım. Alın yemeklerinizi karnınızı bir güzel doyurun “ diye mırıldandığını.
Yazan: Serdar Yıldırım
There was a rabbit imagining itself like a lion. One day this rabbit convened all rabbits in the vicinity on a high hill and said them that it would frighten wolf, jackal, fox in the case they would pass through the rough path in the downstairs. Rabbits listened to it with no movement.
Ten minutes later, a wolf was passing through this path and it was suddenly surprised to see a rabbit shouting and running toward itself, and this circumstance caused it to frighten, and it urgently run away and disappeared there.
Tavşanın biri kendini aslan zannedermiş. Bir gün bu tavşan civardaki tavşanları yüksekçe bir tepeye toplayıp aşağıdaki patika yoldan kurt, çakal, tilki geçmesi halinde korkutup kaçıracağını söylemiş. Tavşanlar, onu sakin şekilde dinlemişler.
On dakika sonra bir kurt geçiyormuş ki, bir de ne görsün, bağırıp çağırarak üstüne doludizgin gelen tavşanı görünce ürkmüş ve son sürat oradan kaçmış.
Yazan: Serdar Yıldırım
There was a fox hanging wings on it and stealing hens from poultry-houses upper sides of which were uncovered. Once poultry-house owner recognised this circumstance, they covered upper-sides of them.
A fox never likes being hungry and remaining with no remedy. It learnt soil digging work from one mole and started entering into poultry-houses through underground. Poultry-house owners thought that mole was stealing the hens and always hoped to catch a mole.
Tilkinin biri kanat takıp üstü açık kümeslerden tavuk çalarmış. Kümes sahipleri durumu fark edince kümeslerin üstünü kapatmışlar.
Tilki açlığı ve çaresizliği hiç sevmezmiş. Bir köstebekten toprak kazma işini öğrenip, yeraltından kümeslere girmeye başlamış. Kümes sahipleri tavukları çalanın köstebek olduğunu sanıp, hep bir köstebek yakalamayı ummuşlar.
Yazan: Serdar Yıldırım
One of the jackals found a rifle while it was walking in the jungle. It recognised there
were two cartridge in the rifle, and it immediately started robberies. Animals in
the jungle, properties of which were stolen and were under threat convened and
they arrived before lion.
The lion was informed about the circumstance and this made it very angry and thereafter, it followed the jackal around.
The lion seeing the jackal to walk some ahead has roared. The jackal
pointed its gun at it when it saw that the lion was approaching, and immediately before opening fire, the lion frightened and started running away. Thereupon, the jackal run after the lion, too. Just then, a river appeared in front of them. Both of them swam and crossed the river.The lion run a while and then suddenly stopped running. The jackal stopped as well. The lion turned back and walked over the jackal.
The jackal realized that wet rifle did not open fire and thrown the rifle out and it crossed back the river. The lion followed the jackal.The lion chased the jackal for a long time in the jungle, and it hit a fiston it as soon as caught it. The jackal escaped with great difficulty its life from the lion. From then, no body has seen it in the surrounding.
Çakalın biri ormanda gezerken bir tüfek bulmuş. Bakmış tüfekte iki fişek var, hemen soygunlara başlamış. Malı çalınan, tehdit edilen orman hayvanları toplanıp aslanın huzuruna çıkmışlar. Durumu öğrenen aslan çok kızmış, çakalın peşine düşmüş.
Çakalı ilerde giderken gören aslan kükremiş. Çakal aslanın geldiğini görünce tüfeğini doğrultmuş, tam ateş edecekken aslan korkmuş, kaçmaya başlamış. Çakal da aslanı kovalamış. Derken, önlerine bir ırmak çıkmış. Ikisi de yüzerek karşıya geçmiş. Aslan biraz daha koşmuş, sonra aniden duruvermiş. Çakal da durmuş. Aslan geri dönüp çakalın üstüne yürümüş.
Çakal ıslanan tüfeğin ateş etmediğini görünce tüfeği atıp ırmaktan karşıya geçmiş. Aslan da peşinden gelmiş. Aslan çakalı ormanda uzun süre kovalamış, yetiştiği yerde vurmuş. Çakal güçbela canını kurtarmış. Bir daha onu oralarda gören olmamış.
Yazan: Serdar Yıldırım
The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
Niccolo Machiavelli, in dedicating his book to Lorenzo de’ Medici, urges the young prince of Florence to read his work and follow its advice. He also asks the prince to consider his bad turn of fortune (his exile from Florentine politics). Having made his case, Machiavelli goes right to the main focus of his work-how principalities can be acquired, governed, and preserved. Machiavelli identifies three main types of principalities: hereditary, new, or mixed. The hereditary principality passes down power through the ruling family. It is not difficult to maintain as long as the hereditary prince continues to rule as before.
New principalities are created through military or civil acquisition. Mixed principalities (new territories added to an existing one) are of two kinds. If the new territory shares the same language and customs as the old one, the prince must extinguish the former ruling line and rule as before. If the new territory does not share the language and customs, the prince should either reside in it or set up colonies consisting of his own citizens or soldiers. Whether he chooses to reside in it or set up colonies, he must protect weaker neighbors, weaken powerful ones, and not let powerful forces enter his territories.
There are four ways a new prince can acquire a principality: by one’s own arms, by the arms of others, by evil means, and by civil means. A principality that is won by a prince by his own arms is most secure. Machiavelli lists great princes who came to power through their own abilities: Moses, Cyrus, Romulus, and Theseus. They ruled effectively because they were all armed, unlike Savaronola, a Dominican friar who lost power because he did not take up arms. A principality acquired by the arms of others needs a prince with both fortune and virtue. Cesare Borgia is an example of a prince who came to power through fortune, but lost his power through an unfavorable change in fortune, even though he was a great leader and did almost everything right. Princes who come to power through evil means may gain power but not glory because of their conduct. Those who come to power by civil means (election by the nobles or the people) must remember to win the support of the people because they are crucial in times of adversity. Machiavelli also mentions the ecclesiastical principality with the pope as the ecclesiastical prince. In describing how the position of pope has come to wield much power, Machiavelli does not make a great distinction between a religious prince and a territorial prince.
Machiavelli identifies three kinds of armies: mercenary, auxiliary, and native. Since mercenary forces are hired hands that fight for a wage, they are unreliable in the face of battle. Auxiliary forces, or forces borrowed from an ally, are dangerous if they are victorious because the prince who uses them is under their obligation. Machiavelli strongly encourages every prince to use his own native troops. History has shown that princes who accomplished great things always used their own troops. In fact, a prince’s sole activity is the art of warfare. He must always engage himself in the physical and mental exercises of warfare, especially in times of peace.
Regarding how a prince should rule and act, Machiavelli states that in an ideal world, it is virtuous for a prince to be good. But in reality, princes who distance themselves from ethical concerns and do whatever it takes for the benefit of their states rule best. Therefore, it is better to be parsimonious than generous, cruel than loving, crafty than honest. Machiavelli’s general rule is to be as good as circumstances allow, but be willing to resort to any means necessary for the good of the state. A feudal prince must be wise in controlling the nobles and keeping the people content. Even fortresses are useless if the prince does not have the support of his people.
A prince gains esteem and glory through his courage. He must undertake great enterprises that allow him to display his abilities. When two neighbors are at war, a prince must never be neutral; he must take sides. The prince must have the wisdom to choose the least risky venture and act on it courageously. Wisdom is also needed in picking and satisfying his closest advisors and avoiding flatterers.
Machiavelli laments the decline of the Italian city-states and attributes it to the use of mercenary and auxiliary armies instead of native forces. In concluding that virtue, or abilities and fortune must come together for success, Machiavelli implores Lorenzo de’ Medici to be the leader Italy has been waiting for-a prince to unite the Italians, drive the barbarians out of Italy, and restore his beloved nation to her former glory.
Niccolo Machiavelli
Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Alice is sitting with her sister outdoors when she spies a White Rabbit with a pocket watch. Fascinated by the sight, she follows the rabbit down the hole. She falls for a long time, and finds herself in a long hallway full of doors. There is also a key on the table, which unlocks a tiny door; through this door, she spies a beautiful garden. She longs to get there, but the door is too small. Soon, she finds a drink with a note that asks her to drink it. There is later a cake with a note that tells her to eat; Alice uses both, but she cannot seem to get a handle on things, and is always either too large to get through the door or too small to reach the key.
While she is tiny, she slips and falls into a pool of water. She realizes that this little sea is made of tears she cried while a giant. She swims to shore with a number of animals, most notably a sensitive mouse, but manages to offend everyone by talking about her cat’s ability to catch birds and mice. Left alone, she goes on through the wood and runs into the White Rabbit. He mistakes her for his maid and sends her to fetch some things from his house. While in the White Rabbit’s home, she drinks another potion and becomes too huge to get out through the door. She eventually finds a little cake which, when eaten, makes her small again.
In the wood again, she comes across a Caterpillar sitting on a mushroom. He gives her some valuable advice, as well as a valuable tool: the two sides of the mushroom, which can make Alice grow larger and smaller as she wishes. The first time she uses them, she stretches her body out tremendously. While stretched out, she pokes her head into the branches of a tree and meets a Pigeon. The Pigeon is convinced that Alice is a serpent, and though Alice tries to reason with her the Pigeon tells her to be off.
Alice gets herself down to normal proportions and continues her trek through the woods. In a clearing she comes across a little house and shrinks herself down enough to get inside. It is the house of the Duchess; the Duchess and the Cook are battling fiercely, and they seem unconcerned about the safety of the baby that the Duchess is nursing. Alice takes the baby with her, but the child turns into a pig and trots off into the woods. Alice next meets the Cheshire cat (who was sitting in the Duchess’s house, but said nothing). The Cheshire cat helps her to find her way through the woods, but he warns her that everyone she meets will be mad.
Alice goes to the March Hare’s house, where she is treated to a Mad Tea Party. Present are the March Hare, the Hatter, and the Dormouse. Ever since Time stopped working for the Hatter, it has always been six o’clock; it is therefore always teatime. The creatures of the Mad Tea Party are some of the must argumentative in all of Wonderland. Alice leaves them and finds a tree with a door in it: when she looks through the door, she spies the door-lined hallway from the beginning of her adventures. This time, she is prepared, and she manages to get to the lovely garden that she saw earlier. She walks on through, and finds herself in the garden of the Queen of Hearts. There, three gardeners (with bodies shaped like playing cards) are painting the roses red. If the Queen finds out that they planted white roses, she’ll have them beheaded. The Queen herself soon arrives, and she does order their execution; Alice helps to hide them in a large flowerpot.
The Queen invites Alice to play croquet, which is a very difficult game in Wonderland, as the balls and mallets are live animals. The game is interrupted by the appearance of the Cheshire cat, whom the King of Hearts immediately dislikes.
The Queen takes Alice to the Gryphon, who in turn takes Alice to the Mock Turtle. The Gryphon and the Mock Turtle tell Alice bizarre stories about their school under the sea. The Mock Turtles sings a melancholy song about turtle soup, and soon afterward the Gryphon drags Alice off to see the trial of the Knave of Hearts.
The Knave of Hearts has been accused of stealing the tarts of the Queen of Hearts, but the evidence against him is very bad. Alice is appalled by the ridiculous proceedings. She also begins to grow larger. She is soon called to the witness stand; by this time she has grown to giant size. She refuses to be intimidated by the bad logic of the court and the bluster of the King and Queen of Hearts. Suddenly, the cards all rise up and attack her, at which point she wakes up. Her adventures in Wonderland have all been a fantastic dream.
Lewis Carroll
Gulliver’s Travels
Samuel Gulliver loves travelling and sailing.But he is in danger.The sea and wind are strong.The sea and wind break his ship.He is cold,tired,hungry and thirsty.He sees an island.He swims to it.He runs onto the beach and he sleeps there. Everybody in Lilliput sleeps.But the watchman doesn’t sleep.He goes out in the cold and rain.He walks alone.The watchman is wet and unhappy.It is a very dark night and he is afraid.He walks.He falls down.He looks up.There are strange things around him.
The watchman sees a giant.He is afraid.He escapes.He looks back again.He is sure.It is a giant.
He runs to king’s palace.But the guards stop him.
“The king has visitors.They are signing a wedding contract.The guards say to him.But the watchman runs past them into the meeting room.
“There is a giant on the beach! the watchman shouts.
Nobody listens to the watchman.
King Little and King Bombo sign a wedding contract.Because King Little’s daugter Princess Glory is marrying King Bombo’s son Prince David.The watchman comes to palace. “There is a giant on the beach? the watchman shouts.Nobody listens to him.Then King Little’s men carry presents.
King Little’s daughter sings a song.The song’s name is Faithful.This is the song of Lilliput.Then “We will sing this song at the wedding tomorrow. says King Little. “No,It must be Forever.Because this is the song of Blefesco.says King Bombo.
Then King Bombo is very angry. “This is war says King Bombo.King Little is sad.Because this is war.The watchman comes to palace.The watchman talks to King Little.King Little don’t listen to him.Then King Little listens to him. “Go and find the giant? King Little says to the watchman.
The watchman wakes up all the people of Lilliput. “There is a giant on the beach.says the watchman.Nobody believes him.But four men come.Four men follow him.But they don’t find a giant.
The floor starts to move.Because they stand on the giant.They escape and look at the beach.They don’t laugh,they are afraid.
Everybody sees the giant.Everybody believes him.
The watchman is happy.Because everybody listens to him.The people of Lilliput pull the giant to the centre of the city.
Then King Little sees the giant.He is afraid and he escapes to palace.Then the people of Lilliput look in Gulliver’s pockets.They find a watch and a gun.They try to move the gun.But they drop it.It fires.Gulliver wakes up.Everybody escapes.The people of Lilliput are afraid.The king is afraid.Gulliver sees the watchman.He catchs the watchman.The watchman is very afraid.The watchman thinks that the giant wants to eat him.But the giant don’t eat the watchman.The king sees the giant.They talk.Then King Little wants to kill the giant.He calls the guards.They want to kill the giant.Gulliver isn’t afraid.Because they are very small. But the guards don’t kill him.Because King Bombo’s ships attack to King Little’s palace.Then King Bombo’s soldiers see the giant.They are afraid.They escape. King Bombo doesn’t want to escape.But King Bombo escapes.King Little wins the war.Everybody loves Gulliver.Because Gulliver stops the war.
The people of Lilliput have a party for Gulliver.They thank him.
King Bombo is very angry.Then King Bombo sends a message to his spies in Lilliput.King Bombo’s message comes to spies.They read the message.The message says “Kill the giant! The spies have an idea.The spies can use Gulliver’s gun.Then the spies work with his gun.Gulliver comes near to their house.The spies are very afraid.Then a fire starts in their house.Gulliver sees the fire.He stops the fire.Gulliver doesn’t know them.Because they are spies.They want to kill Gulliver.
David and Glory meet in the palace.The watchman hears David’song.The watchman thinks that only a spy can sing Blefesco’s song.The watchman shouts to the guards.The guards fight David.Gulliver picks David up.The guards don’t see Gulliver.Then the watchman says somethings to Glory.Then Gulliver picks Glory up.The spies are ready.Because they want to kill Gulliver.
A message comes from the spies to King Bombo.The message says “We can win the war.King Bombo writes a message.He gives the message to the message bird.The message bird comes to Lilliput.The bird is tired.The watchman sees the message bird.He catchs it.The watchman reads the King Bombo’s message.The message says “Bombo is coming at eight.The watchman tells the people of Lilliput.The people are ready for war.
The watchman looks for Gulliver.Then he finds Gulliver.Because Gulliver can win the war.Gulliver goes to the beach.The spies catch the watchman and take the King Bombo’s message.King Bombo’s men shoot at Gulliver.Then Glory and David see the spies.The gun is ready.David jumps on the gun.Gulliver doesn’t die.David dies.The war stops.Gulliver picks him up.Gulliver shouts the people.
The people are very sad.Gulliver says somethings to people.
Then Glory sings her song.David doesn’t die.He sings his song.They sing together their songs.Everbody is very happy.Because the war stops.Gulliver likes the people of Lilliput,but he wants to travel to many places.Because Gulliver is a sailor and traveller.Then Gulliver leaves from Lilliput.The Kings are friends.Gulliver doesn’t forget the people of Lilliput.
Cat And The Liver by Nasreddin Hodja
After the Hodja got the recipe for liver from his friend, he bought again some liver and because he liked it very much, he wanted to eat it often.
But everytime when he brought livers he couldn’t eat it, because his wife said that the cat took the liver and fled away.
One day the Hodja became angry and said:
“Woman, I brought liver! Where is it?
“Oh, said his wife. “The silly cat took it and fled away.
At the same time the cat was in the room. The Hodja caught it, brought a steelyard and weighted the cat. Then he said:
“That is exactly two kilos. And the liver which I brought was also two kilos. Now tell me: If that is the liver where is my cat, if that is the cat, then I want my liver.
Nasreddin Hodja
There was a castle in somewhere. It was a cursed and there were ghosts. A woman and her assistant tried to go into the castle but they couldn’t. Because they saw a ghost. Then they called the man. He was a search for the ghosts. He came here with her daughter Kate.
After that they stayed this in castle. When Kate came her room, she saw the Casper. Kate and Casper become a friend. Then Kate started school. The student wanted have a party in Kate’s home. But she didn’t want. When they went back the castle. Kate saw the other ghosts. She puzzled. The other ghosts didn’t like Kate and her father. Casper showed her father’s machine. This machine ghosts changed the people with a formula. If Kate puts here, Casper will changed a man. But he couldn’t changed. Then the other ghost killed the Kate’s father and he was a ghost. Kate was unhappy. Then the party day come and the party began. Casper wanted a something an angel.
Finally an angel changed Casper for a handsome man only one hour. Kate and Caper danced. One hour after, Casper changed a ghost and everybody was afraid of ghost. After that Casper, Kate, Kate’s father and the other ghosts danced. Everybody was happy.
Days Of A Month by Nasreddin Hodja
In Ramazan, a special month for Moslems, the Hodja began it by putting a stone in a cup, to know which day it was. So, every morning he put a stone into the cup without knowing that one of his friends put a handful of stones in it, to play a trick on him.
A few days later a man asked the Hodja: “Hodja Effendi, how many days have passed since we started Ramazan?,
The Hodja told him to wait for a minute, ran to his cup, counted the stones, came back and said:
“Up to today 45 days of Ramazan have passed.
“But Hodja, said the man. “There are only 30 days in a month. How is it possible?
“Oh, be satisfied with that, said the Hodja. “If you had counted the stones in the cup you would have seen, that it is the hundredandtwentieth day of Ramazan.
Nasreddin Hodja
The Lion King
Everything in the animal kingdom had its place in the circle of life. When the Lion King, Mufasa, and his queen, Sarabi, had a cub named Simba, Mufasa knew that one day Simba would be king. Everyone bowed in respect as Rafiki the baboon introduced the young prince to all the animals.
Only one lion — Mufasa’s brother, Scar — refused to attend the ceremony. He was not happy that Simba would be next in line for Mufasa’s throne.
But Simba grew into a happy, healthy cub. One day he proudly told his uncle, “Someday I’m going to rule the whole kingdom! Everything except that shadowy place.
I’m not allowed to go there.”
“You’re absolutely right, Simba,” his uncle agreed slyly. “Only the bravest lions can go to the elephant graveyard.” Scar deliberately tempted his adventurous nephew. Simba immediately raced home and convinced his friend Nala to explore the elephant graveyard. It was creepier than they ever imagined.
Zazu, Mufasa’s advisor, caught up with the cubs and warned them it was dangerous, too. But Simba only laughed at Zazu. Then he heard someone laughing back. He turned to see three enemy hyenas ready for lunch. “He’s a king fit for a meal,” laughed one. The nasty hyenas chased the cubs right into a trap. Suddenly there was a tremendous roar. Mufasa arrived and frightened the hyenas away.
Simba was very proud of his father. “We’ll always be together, right?” he asked later that evening. “Look up at the stars, Simba,” said Mufasa. “Those are the great kings of the past looking down on us. Remember those kings will always be there to guide you. So will I.”
Although Scar was very angry with the hyenas for letting Simba escape, he made a bargain with them. If they helped him become king, they could have the run of the Pride Lands. And Scar had a plan.
Later Scar brought Simba to a gorge and promised him a wonderful surprise if he would wait on a certain rock. Then he signaled the hyenas.
The surprise was a stampeding herd of wildebeest! The earth trembled as the wildebeests headed right into the gorge and straight toward Simba. Simba held onto a tree branch but was slipping fast. In an instant Mufasa appeared and grabbed his son. He got Simba to safety, but then he slipped off the ledge and fell into the thundering stampede. When everything was quiet once more, Simba found his father lying lifeless at the foot of a cliff.
Simba had not seen Scar push Mufasa to his death. Simba believed it was all his fault. “Run away, Simba,” Scar advised the young cub. “Run away and never return.” Scar watched as the young cub ran away, chased by the hyenas. Then Scar returned to Pride Rock and announced to the lions that he would be their new king. Simba ended up in the desert where he collapsed from heat and exhaustion. Luckily two curious creatures found him — a meerkat called Timon and a warthog named Pumbaa. Simba’s new friends took him home to the jungle where they introduced him to Timon’s idea of hak
una matata — “no worries.”
Simba tried to put the past behind him, but it was difficult. One day a young lioness appeared looking for help. It was Nala. She told Simba the sad story of what had happened since Scar had taken over the Pride Lands.
But Simba could not face going back — at least not until Rafiki appeared and led him to a vision of his father. “You are my son and the one true king. You must take your place in the circle of life,” Mufasa explained. So Simba returned to the Pride Lands with his friends by his side. There was a great battle. Finally, Scar cornered Simba and confessed what he had done many years ago. “You didn’t kill your father,” Scar said evilly. “I did.” At last Simba found the strength to fight back. He flipped the evil lion right over the edge of the rock into the jaws of the waiting hyenas When the fighting was over, Simba took his rightful place as king and restored the Pride Lands to a place of peace. And when Simba and Nala’s little cub was born, a brand-new circle of life began.
Ayşenur is a beautiful girl. She has got short, black, curly hair and big black eyes. She resembles her mother. Ayşenur is a bookworm. She likes reading. Her parents buy her new books everyday. Ayşenur reads the books and then tells the stories to her parents. She likes her books and her books like her. Everyday, Ayşenur lies on her bed and reads her books. It is her hobby.
There are different kinds of books on her bookshelf. Big books, small books, colourful books. Every night before she goes to sleep, Ayşenur puts her books on the bookshelf carefully. She talks to them and kisses them.
The books wonder, “ Which book does Ayşenur like the most?”
“Ayşenur likes me the most,” says one book.
“No, she likes me the most,” claims another.
“You are both wrong. She likes me the most,” boasts the other.
Because of this, they quarrel every night.
There is an old book among the other books. Ayşenur doesn’t forget it, she reads it a lot. So, its pages are worn out. The old book doesn’t join in the quarrel.
“I am very old. Ayşenur doesn’t like me any more. There are a lot of new books. She likes them,” the old book thinks.
The old book’s heart is broken. It thinks that Ayşenur doesn’t like it.
There is a big, blue book on the bookshelf. It is Ayşenur’s mother’s book. The big blue book is tired of the books’ quarrel. It is very angry with them because they are making a lot of noise.
“Enough! Stop this fight! Do you want to learn who Ayşenur’s favourite is?” the big blue book asks.
“Yes, but how can we learn it? All the books ask in surprise.
“Let’s organize a contest,” the big blue book suggests.
“A contest? Who will choose the winner?” the other books ask.
“It is very easy. Which of you is the oldest one? The oldest book is always the most valuable book,” says the big blue book.
All of the books look at the old book on the shelf because it is worn out so much. The old book is Ayşenur’s favourite. The old book is happy for that. It is proud of being old now. It knows that Ayşenur likes it a lot.
Edited by:Turgay EVREN Retold by:Kezban EVREN Performed by:Bob BEER
There was once an old miller who had three sons. When he died, he left them everything he had. Simon, the eldest son, inherited the flour mill, Alex got a donkey and Jack, the youngest, got a cat. Simon soon set to work grinding flour. Alex headed for town with his donkey. “I’m going to find work hauling things,” he said.
Jack, meanwhile, tried to think of a way to make a living.
“That silly cat is worse than useless, for I shall have to feed him, as well as myself,” he grumbled.
“Do not be so glum, Master,” the cat said. I have a plan that will make us both rich.” “What can you do? You’re only a cat!” said Jack.
“Give me a fine hat, a pair of good boots, and a large sack,” said the cat. “I shall take care of the rest.”
“Why not,” Jack said miserably. “What have I got to lose?”
When the cat was dressed to his satisfaction, he left Jack sitting in a field, and headed for the nearest stream. Puss ‘n Boots, as he was then called, crouched on the bank and used his swift paws to pull a dozen gleaming fish out of the water.
His sack bulging with fish, Puss ‘n Boots strutted to the castle and asked to see the King.
“What business does a cat have with the King?” asked the gatekeeper.
“I have a gift from the Marquis of Carabas,” said Puss. He was allowed in at once, and bowed before the King, the Queen and their daughter, Cecile.
“The Marquis of Carabas sends his greetings, and would like you to have these fine fish from his estate, Your Highness,” said the cat.
“Tell the Marquis we appreciate his kindness,” said the King. But as soon as Puss had left, the King whispered to his wife, “Who is this Marquis?”
“I don’t know,” replied the Queen. “I’ve never even heard of him.”
Over the next few days, Puss returned to the court several times, each time with a gift for the royal family.
“Here comes that cat again! Who is this Marquis of Carabas?” the courtiers whispered. Since no one knew who he was, everyone in the King’s court made up stories about him.
“I hear he is the richest man in the kingdom,” someone said.
“And the most handsome,” said another.
Then one day, when Puss brought the Queen a pheasant, she said to him, “Your master seems to be a good hunter.”
“Oh yes,” Puss replied. “The Marquis has many talents.”
“But why have we never met him?” asked the Queen. “You must arrange a meeting.” That night, Puss told Jack he was to meet the Queen. “That’s ridiculous!” said Jack. “Look at me! I don’t even have a decent shirt!”
“Don’t you worry,” said Puss. “Leave everything to me.”
The next day, Puss led Jack to the river.
“Take off your shirt and get in the water,” Puss told him.
“But I can’t swim!” said Jack.
“Don’t worry. Just do as I say,” said the cat.
But when Jack stepped into the river, the cat pushed him into deep water. Just as Puss had planned, the current carried Jack downstream to the bridge where the king’s carriage was passing.
“Help!” cried Jack.
“Hurry!” yelled Puss. “The Marquis of Carabas is drowning!”
The king ordered two men to pull Jack out of the water. He sent a third man to the castle for dry clothing. Soon, Jack was dressed in clothes fit for a marquis.
“He would make a handsome husband, don’t you think?” whispered the Queen to Cecile.
“You must be exhausted from your ordeal,” the King said to Jack. “We shall escort you home.”
“Yes. Where exactly is your castle?” asked the King’s advisor, who was suspicious of Jack and his cat.
“Well, ahhh, I don’t have a castle,” muttered Jack.
“The Marquis is always so modest. There it is,” said Puss, pointing to a castle on the hill.
“Now, if you will excuse me, I have some errands to run.” And the cat leapt out of the carriage.
Puss ‘n Boots raced along the road, ahead of the King’s carriage, and shouted to the peasants working in the fields.
“If anyone asks, say these lands belong to the Marquis of Carabas,” Puss instructed them.
“The castle, too.”
“Certainly, Sire,” the peasants replied.
Puss reached the castle on the hill, and knocked at the huge gate. A door in the gate swung silently open.
Puss tiptoed through the dark rooms. Suddenly, a giant ogre appeared before him.
“What are you doing in my castle?” he hollered.
Puss introduced himself politely.
“I hear you have great magical powers and that you can transform yourself into an elephant, or even a lion,” said Puss. “Is that true?”
Instantly, the ogre transformed himself into a lion.
“What do you think?” he roared, chasing Puss around the room.
“I believe you!” said Puss. “But can you make yourself as small as a mouse?” can do anything,” replied the proud ogre. But as soon as he transformed himself into a mouse, the clever cat swooped him up and swallowed him whole. Meanwhile, the King’s carriage approached the castle.
“Who owns all these rich fields?” he asked.
“The Marquis of Carabas,” replied one of the peasants.
“And the castle is his, too?” asked the King.
“Yes, Sire,” said the peasant.
With the ogre out of the way, Puss ran through the castle, opening all the gloomy curtains to let the sun in. He reached the gate just as the King’s carriage pulled up.
“Welcome to the estate of the Marquis of Carabas,” Puss announced, bowing low.
“Why it’s lovely,” said the Queen.
“You’ve done very well for yourself, young man,” said the King.
“Yes, it seems that I have,” replied Jack.
But Jack was not looking at the castle at all – from the moment he met her, Jack only had eyes for Princess Cecile.
Several months later, Jack and Cecile were married, and they lived happily ever after. Of course, Puss ‘n Boots lived happily ever after at their side.
It is a hot, sunny day . Ali and his mother are in the kitchen. Ali is playing with his toy train. His mother is washing thedishes. Ali is a curious boy. He asks his mother a lot of questions. His mother answers the questions patiently.
“Mommy! I can see the sun now. But why can’t I see it at night?” Ali asks his mother.
“Where does it go at night?”
“The sun goes to the other side of the world at night,” his mother answers.
“But I want the sun to stay with us,”says Ali. “ Please mom! Tell it not to go.”
There is a smile on Ali’s mother’s face.
“OK. My dear son. I will tell the sun not to leave us,” Ali’s mother says.
“Thank you mom. I love you. I like the sun,” Ali says happily.
After some time, Ali changes his mind and comes to his mother.
“Mom! Don’t tell the sun anything. I will talk with the sun myself,” Ali says.
“Good idea. You talk to it,” his mother replies.
The next morning, Ali is very excited. Because he is going to speak to the sun.
He is having breakfast in the kitchen. The sun is shining in the sky. Ali finishes his breakfast and runs to the balcony because he can see the sun very well on the balcony. Ali is very close to the sun now.
“Hello sun!” Ali greets the sun. “You are very bright as usual. I like you. Please don’t leave me, don’t go anywhere at night.”
The sun doesn’t say anything, but it seems very happy with Ali’s words. “Mom! It is all right. The sun will stay with us. It won’t go anywhere,” Ali tells his mother. Ali’s mother is smiling at Ali.
“Look my sweet boy. There are a lot of children on the other side of the world,”explains Ali’s mother. “It is night there. The children are sleeping now because the sun is with us. When it is night here, the sun is visiting the other children. They like the sun, too.”
“You are right mom. I must share everything with my friends,” Ali says. “I must share my toy train, and the sun. All the children are my friends. The sun is my friend, too.”
Ali runs to the balcony.
“Hey sun!” he calls out to the sun. “You shouldn’t stay with us at night. Visit my friends on the other side of the world. Give my greetings to them. I like you and my friends like you too.”